• The new keeper – more than just a key finder

    With its new keeper – a Bluetooth 4.0 - and app-based mini transmitter – Gigaset has created a consumer-friendly solution for stressful everyday situations. Whether you can't find your house or car keys, have forgotten your purse somewhere, or can’t remember where you’ve parked your car: The new keeper with its visual and acoustic alarm makes stress a thing of the past in such situations

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  • Gigaset pro introduces new Unified Communication Suite

    Gigaset pro, provider of innovative business communication solutions for SME’s, introduces Gigaset pro Unified Communication Suite (UC Suite) – a complete software suite for integrating communication technologies with leading business software. Using the innovative and user-friendly software, organisations and end users in need of scalable solutions are able to integrate voice and messaging into a powerful business communication platform.

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  • Gigaset pro delivers VoIP solution to new UNICEF offices

    UNICEF has chosen Gigaset pro to provide a full package of telephony services for its new offices. The United Nations children’s rights organization has recently moved from Voorburg to new premises in The Hague. UNICEF has called in IconneCT4u, provider of communication solutions, and Gigaset pro to supply telephony services which are fully in line with the requirements of its new offices, comprised exclusively of flexible workstations on three different floors. IconneCT4u has implemented a VoIP...

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  • Il fascino dell’esperienza

    Appositamente pensato per il mercato italiano il cordless Gigaset E260 si appresta a soddisfare le esigenze specifiche del pubblico “senior”. Un apparecchio performante, solido, semplice e accessibile. L’Italia, come del resto tutti i Paesi Occidentali, invecchia. Secondo elaborazioni su dati Istat al 1. Gennaio 2016 in Italia si contavano oltre 13,3 milioni di over 65enni, e il tasso di anzianità toccava i 161,4. Un mercato vasto con esigenze precise e, considerati anche i progressi in campo...

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  • Gigaset pro’s Maxwell 3 wins Plus X Design Award and Best Product 2016/2017 Award

    The Gigaset pro IP desktop phone Maxwell 3 has won the Plus X Design Award. Plus X hands out the award to brands that are able to transform complex technologies into functional design. Besides the Design Award, the Maxwell 3 also won the Best Product 2016/2017 award.

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  • Get to know Gigaset pro and 42com at the GCCM Berlin, 28th and 29th of June 2016

    Gigaset pro and 42com present showcase of cutting edge telecom-munications at the GCCM Berlin.

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  • Tecnologia tedesca in esclusiva per l’Italia

    Gigaset SL350 un cordless dalle caratteristiche inimitabili per materiali, tecnologia e design debutta in esclusiva sul mercato italiano.

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  • Gigaset reinventa la comunicazione senza filo

    Con il modello AS405 Gigaset imprime una svolta nella comunicazione senza fili per la casa, l’ufficio o l’attività lavorativa. Semplice, affidabile, ecologico l’AS405 spiegato in tre parole.

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  • The new R650H: professional ruggedized handset for communication in tough situations

    Gigaset pro, provider of innovative unified communications solutions for businesses, intro-duces the new R650H as successor of its highly successful R630 handset. The new robust and cordless handset follows the latest business communication standards and is a must-have for non-dedicated office environments. Thanks to an upgrade to the new CAT-iq 2.0 platform, the R650H has the same feature set as the other Gigaset pro handsets, including support for N510 IP PRO single cell and N720 IP PRO multi...

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  • Gigaset pro and Kwebbl are teaming up

    Gigaset pro, provider of innovative unified communications solutions for businesses, is teaming up with Kwebbl, the Smart Cloud Communications platform, to create a full service-hosted PBX telecom solution with multiple types of high-end DECT and desktop phones, smoothly integrated into one combined solution. After multiple tests, Gigaset pro has certified all of their IP phones on Kwebbl’s platform while Kwebbl’s engineering team created a ‘Drop Shipment’ provisioning solution within their...

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