• Gigaset MobileDock - Il mondo mobile in casa vostra

    Essere disponibili sullo smartphone e allo stesso tempo avere le comodità di un telefono cordless è facile con il nuovo Gigaset MobileDock LM550: connette lo smartphone via Bluetooth e DECT al telefono di rete fissa e inoltra le chiamate in arrivo direttamente sul cordless DECT. L’innovativa MobileDock integra perfettamente lo smartphone nel sistema telefonico cordless DECT di casa.

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  • plug & button: New possibilities for Gigaset elements

    With elements plug and elements button, Gigaset is adding two components to its familiar wireless smart home system that allow users to not only monitor their home remotely using a smartphone app, but now also actively control it. Both world firsts will be given their public premiere at IFA 2015.

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  • Gigaset Camera – a peek into the home gives a sense of security

    The majority of Germans have a growing interest in protecting their own four walls. That’s no surprise, given the increase in burglary rates and attempted break-ins: The police’s criminal statistics for 2014 recorded more than 152,000 incidents last year alone. Accordingly, there has been a steadily growing desire for security at home in the past years. Gigaset is now responding to this need with the Internet-based stand-alone camera “Camera,” which aims to ensure greater security at home.

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  • Gigaset awarded the HTV-Life® mark of excellence for its E630 product family

    Planned obsolescence, where a manufacturer deliberately limits a product's useful life, is a worry for numerous consumers. The HTV-Life® mark of excellence provides more clarity here – and Gigaset was one of the world’s first manufacturers to obtain it for its telephones in the A400, C430, C620, SL400 and E310 product series. The particularly robust E310 product family has now also been awarded it.

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  • Gigaset E550: Ergonomia e usabilità ai massimi livelli

    L’acustica è troppo bassa? I tasti sono troppo piccoli? L’apparecchio è troppo complicato? Non è il Gigaset E550: il nuovo telefono della Serie E unisce all’acustica eccellente, alla buona leggibilità ed al funzionamento intuitivo un design ergonomico. Questo telefono con grandi pulsanti è compatibile con tutti gli apparecchi acustici digitali standard, - e un semplice clic sull’apparecchio è tutto quello che serve per raddoppiare il volume dell'auricolare.

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