Gigaset GS5

Gigaset GS5

299,00 €
IVA inclusa
Tempo di consegna: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
GS5 alte prestazioni con un design moderno ed elegante
  • Design elegante con retro in vetro temperato e fotocamere senza cornice
  • Processore Octa-Core MTK Helio G85 2.0 GHz con prestazioni migliorate grazie alla tecnologia MediaTek HyperEngine
  • Batteria rimovibile da 4500 mAh ricaricabile velocemente e di lunga durata
  • Supporta la ricarica wireless fino a 15 W*
  • Sistema a doppia fotocamera: fotocamera principale da 48 MP + grandangolari da 8 MP
  • Fotocamera frontale da 16 MP per selfie e videochiamate ad alta risoluzione
  • Ampio display Full HD+ V-Notch da 6,3"
  • 4 GB di RAM e 128 GB di memoria interna
  • Android™ 11 (Garanzia di aggiornamento ad Android™ 12) e aggiornamenti di sicurezza fino a 3 anni
  • Triple-Slot: Dual-SIM + estensione di memoria fino a 512 GB
  • Riconoscimento facciale e scanner di impronte digitali con multifunzione
  • Trasferimento dati tramite NFC e Bluetooth® 5.0

GS5 è eleganza senza tempo con prestazioni moderne

Un bel design è più di una bella copertina. Con il suo involucro in vetro temperato, l'elegante cornice cromata e le fotocamere integrate, regalano a Gigaset GS5 una particolare ergonomia e una nuova piacevolezza al tatto. La combinazione di colori del GS5 è di un'eleganza senza tempo: puoi scegliere tra Dark Titanium Grey e Light Purple. Le alte prestazioni si possono già intuire dalla memoria interna, dal processore a risparmio energetico, dalla potente batteria intercambiabile e dalla fotocamera. 

Quello che prima non era possibile ora lo è: Gigaset GS5 è un vero prodotto di qualità "Made in Germany".

Sorridi per favore e cattura i momenti speciali con il sistema a doppia fotocamera

Scattare la foto giusta al momento giusto non è così facile. Ma il sistema a doppia fotocamera di Gigaset GS5 ti aiuta a fare proprio questo. Con la fotocamera principale da 48MP, puoi scattare foto chiare e nitide a qualsiasi ora del giorno e della notte, grazie al flash LED integrato. Se vuoi scattare foto panoramiche, per esempio, la fotocamera ultra-grandangolare da 8MP ti stupirà. D'altra parte, la fotocamera macro per i primi piani non ti deluderà. Per i selfie o le videochiamate, la fotocamera frontale da 16MP è ideale. E se le immagini singole non sono abbastanza per te, le registrazioni video diventano ancora più nitide e dettagliate in alta risoluzione, QHD 1440p con 2560 x 1440 pixel, e particolarmente vivide.

Il display V-Notch con risoluzione Full HD+ è un piacere per gli occhi

Con il suo display da 6,3'' Full HD+, Gigaset GS5 crea un'esperienza d'immagine quasi senza limiti. Questo smartphone è più lungo che largo, con un display nitido e luminoso, con una diagonale dello schermo di 16 cm. Grazie alla brillante risoluzione, 2340 x 1080 pixel, puoi guardarti le tue serie TV con colori vivaci e brillanti come sul grande schermo e il fatto che questo smartphone è  senza cornice, con solo una stretta rientranza a forma di V sul bordo superiore dello schermo,  la visione è veramente piacevole.

Batteria a lunga durata, con ricarica veloce e wireless

La batteria al litio polimero da 4500 mAh di lunga durata fornisce fino a 25 ore di tempo in conversazione, nella rete 4G, e 350 ore in standby (con una scheda SIM). La ricarica della batteria veloce, richiede circa 2 ore e puoi ricaricare il dispositivo anche wireless con una base di ricarica induttiva. Per garantire la lunga durata di vita del GS5, Gigaset offre la possibilità di sostituire la batteria al termine della sua durata, senza dover inviare lo smartphone al centro di assistenza. Un aspetto importante per la sostenibilità.

Gigaset GS5 fa parte della nuova iniziativa Gigaset Battery Save per una maggiore sostenibilità ambientale. Test approfonditi hanno dimostrato che la durata della batteria di uno smartphone può essere estesa molte volte se non viene regolarmente caricata completamente.

Funzionamento affidabile e senza stress garantito

Bello fuori, veloce dentro: affidati al processore MTK Helio G85 2.0 GHz Octa-Core del tuo smartphone, con prestazioni ottimizzate, grazie alla tecnologia MediaTek HyperEngine. Sembra super complicato, ma è super conveniente per te. Il processore di Gigaset GS5 assicura che tu possa usare le app senza problemi e modificare i dati in qualsiasi momento. Gestisce anche applicazioni grafiche impegnative in modo affidabile e veloce. La memoria RAM da 4GB ti permette di accedere velocemente a dati specifici, mentre 128GB di memoria interna offrono molto spazio per foto, video, musica o giochi. E per essere sicuri di non perdere nulla anche in modalità silenziosa, il LED di notifica mostra visivamente le chiamate e i nuovi messaggi.

Android™ 11 al tuo servizio

Oggi comunichiamo attraverso una grande varietà di canali, il che a volte rende complicato tenersi in contatto. Con l'ultimo sistema operativo Android™ 11, puoi visualizzare, rispondere e controllare le chat, di più app di messaggistica, in un unico posto. Le conversazioni con priorità appaiono sulla schermata di blocco, e le comode Chat Bubble appaiono in un'area dello schermo da te definita. Così hai tutto in vista, anche quando usi altre app e puoi silenziare le chat durante le registrazioni video, evitando fastidiosi toni di segnale o tremolii nell'immagine causati dalla vibrazione. E per assicurarti di goderti il tuo GS5 a lungo, avrai una garanzia di aggiornamento ad Android™ 12 e aggiornamenti di sicurezza fino a 3 anni.

Trasferimento dati tramite NFC e Bluetooth® 5.0

Gigaset GS5 è un partner affidabile per tutte le tue attività di comunicazione, come telefonate, chat o videochiamate. È anche adatto per il trasferimento dati veloce e senza fili. Con il Bluetooth® 5.0, puoi collegare le tue cuffie, gli altoparlanti e altri dispositivi abilitati al Bluetooth, automaticamente e senza problemi di configurazione. Lo standard di trasmissione NFC ("Near Field Communication") faciliterà anche la tua vita quotidiana, permettendoti di effettuare pagamenti senza contanti, trasmettere dati WLAN o anche gestire dispositivi con la stessa tecnologia. È comodo, ma allo stesso tempo molto sicuro, questa trasmissione di dati multifunzionale funziona come una magia.

Sblocco con riconoscimento facciale o tramite impronta digitale

Condividere è bello, ma alcune cose è meglio tenerle per noi. Per esempio, non ci piace lasciare i nostri smartphone fuori dalle nostre mani, quindi dobbiamo proteggerli, in modo che essi o i dati memorizzati non cadano nelle mani sbagliate. Con la funzione di riconoscimento facciale, puoi sbloccare il tuo Gigaset GS5 in modo rapido e comodo e in tutta sicurezza. Basta un'occhiata al display del tuo smartphone per avviarlo. GS5 può essere sbloccato anche con il sensore di impronte digitali multifunzionale, puoi usarlo anche per scorrere le pagine dello schermo, rispondere alle chiamate, aprire la fotocamera o scattare foto. Così un solo tocco del dito fornisce ancora più sicurezza.

Più spazio grazie al Dual SIM ed espansione di memoria fino a 512 GB

Gigaset GS5 è un dispositivo per tutte le occasioni, non hai più bisogno di un secondo o addirittura terzo smartphone. Con i suoi tre slot, offre spazio per due schede nano-SIM e un'espansione di memoria. Ciò significa che è sufficiente inserire una scheda SIM privata e una aziendale, così  si può far tutto con un solo dispositivo. Molto pratico anche all'estero, dove si può sempre essere raggiunti con una scheda SIM locale aggiuntiva. Inoltre, è possibile inserire una scheda di memoria fino a 512 GB, in modo da non doversi più limitare. GS5 ti dà la libertà di fare quindi il backup di molte foto, video, musica o altri dati proprio sullo smartphone.

Gigaset GS5 è "Made in Germany"

Gigaset è l'unica azienda al mondo a produrre smartphone in Germania. Da sette decenni produciamo moderne soluzioni di telecomunicazione nel nostro stabilimento di Bocholt. La digitalizzazione ha reso le persone più mobili e noi di Gigaset offriremo sempre i dispositivi giusti per la comunicazione del futuro. Come veri professionisti della tecnologia della comunicazione, ci affidiamo alle nostre competenze principali anche per gli smartphone. La prova: il nuovo GS5, uno dei tanti smartphone Gigaset prodotti in Germania.

Protezione completa: la promessa di assistenza Gigaset

Se sei soddisfatto, siamo soddisfatti anche noi: poiché attribuiamo particolare importanza al servizio e alla qualità, il nostro smartphone GS5 è ora disponibile con un servizio di assistenza in più. Oltre alla garanzia legale del produttore di 24 mesi, per te una novità: il servizio di soddisfatti o rimborsati con il servizio di riparazione per rottura del display per 3 mesi dalla data di acquisto. Con noi puoi goderti la qualità spensierata e affidabile del "Made in Germany.

Personalizza il tuo Gigaset GS5 con un'incisione

Mio, tuo o suo? Nella foga del momento, gli smartphone possono a volte confondersi. Per evitare questo, noi di Gigaset ti offriamo un servizio molto speciale: Dai un tocco personale al tuo GS5 con un'incisione. Che ne dici della tua citazione preferita? Un ricordo dei tuoi cari? O una dedica? Naturalmente, puoi anche far incidere il tuo nome sul tuo smartphone. Questo lo rende inconfondibile e unico. L’incisione viene fatta sul retro, nella scocca in vetro temperato e lucidato di Gigaset GS5. Bello e unico: il tuo GS5 "Made in Germany".

La promessa di sostenibilità di Gigaset per l'ambiente

Le cose buone possono sempre migliorare: In Gigaset affrontiamo costantemente i temi della sostenibilità, per esempio nel riciclaggio dei materiali di produzione, nelle innovazioni tecnologiche o nei processi logistici. Per il packaging del GS5, investiamo nei più recenti standard ambientali (certificati FSC®, numero di licenza FSC® N003454) e compensiamo le emissioni di CO2 generate durante la produzione del packaging con l'aiuto dei nostri progetti ClimatePartner. Inoltre, abbiamo eliminato completamente l'uso della plastica all'interno dell'imballaggio, ad eccezione della pellicola adesiva per proteggere il display. Questo è solo il primo passo di una lunga strada verso una produzione più sostenibile: continuiamo a lavorare ogni giorno su concetti sostenibili per il nostro futuro comune.

* Questo valore dipende dal pad di ricarica o dall'alimentatore utilizzato.
** Nota sull'incisione: Un testo di natura razzista, sessuale o discriminatoria o un testo che infrange la legge e/o viola le norme morali non è accettato ed è espressamente vietato. Ci riserviamo il diritto di non personalizzare il vostro dispositivo in questo modo. Lei è l'unico responsabile dei dati che ci fornisce. Di conseguenza, la preghiamo di verificare prima che siano corretti e completi.


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Gigaset GS5

  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 13 Version 09 01/2024
    Improvements and changes with version 09:
    • Update Google security patch to January 2024 (Security Patch Info)
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 13 Version 08 12/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 08:
    • Update Google security patch to November 2023 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bug fixes
    • System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 13 Version 07 11/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 07:
    • Update Google security patch to October 2023 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bug fixes
    • System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 13 Version 05 09/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 05:
    • Android 13 Upgrade: More personal, safer and more user-friendly
      Your personal data will be kept after the upgrade. To ensure your important personal data without any damage risk during the upgrade, we highly recommend that you backup them before the upgrade.
    • Please note that the SD card may need to be formatted after the upgrade due to changed compatibility requirements of the new Android version. Please make a BACKUP in advance to prevent the loss of important files.
    • Please note that the setting of 4G Calling and WLAN Calling could be reset after the upgrade. Please check the settings under → Settings → Mobile network. Check and configure the setting again if needed under → Settings → Mobile network
    • Update Google security patch to Aug. 2023 (Security Patch Info)
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 09 06/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 09:
    • Update Google security patch to May 2023 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 08 05/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 08:
    • Update Google security patch to April 2023 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 07 04/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 07:
    • Update Google security patch to Mar. 2023 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 06 03/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 06:
    • Update Google security patch to Feb 2023
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 05 01/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 05:
    • Update Google security patch to Dec 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • APN update of A1 Telekom Austria
    • System bugs fixed System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 04 12/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 04:
    • Android 12 Upgrade
      Your personal data will be kept after the upgrade. To ensure your important personal data without any damage risk during the upgrade, we highly recommend that you backup them before the upgrade.
    • Please note that the SD card may need to be formatted after the upgrade due to changed compatibility requirements of the new Android version, please make a BACKUP in advance to prevent the loss of important files.
      Please note that the face id profile will be removed after upgrade, please register a new one under → Settings → security → Biometrics&password.
      Please note that the setting of 4G Calling and WLAN Calling could be reset after the upgrade. Check and configure the setting again if needed under → Settings → Mobile network
    • Update Google security patch to November 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 03 11/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 03:
    • Android 12 Upgrade
      Your personal data will be kept after the upgrade. To ensure your important personal data without any damage risk during the upgrade, we highly recommend that you backup them before the upgrade.
    • please note that the face id profile will be removed after upgrade, please register a new one under → Settings → security → Biometrics & password.
      Please note that the setting of 4G Calling and WLAN Calling could be reset after the upgrade. Check and configure the setting again if needed under → Settings → Mobile network
    • Update Google security patch to Sep. 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 15 09/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 15:
    • Update Google security patch to August 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 14 08/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 14:
    • Update Google security patch to July 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 13 07/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 13:
    • Update Google security patch to May 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 12 06/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 12:
    • Update Google security patch to Apr. 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 11 04/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 11:
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 10 03/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 10:
    • Update Google security patch to February. 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
    • Complies with Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/320 as a supplement to the Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU (ensure caller location in emergency communications)
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 09 02/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 09:
    • Update Google security patch to January 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 07 10/2021
    Improvements and changes with version 07:
    • Update Google security patch to September 2021 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 13 Version 09 01/2024
    Improvements and changes with version 09:
    • Update Google security patch to January 2024 (Security Patch Info)
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 13 Version 08 12/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 08:
    • Update Google security patch to November 2023 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bug fixes
    • System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 13 Version 07 11/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 07:
    • Update Google security patch to October 2023 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bug fixes
    • System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 13 Version 05 09/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 05:
    • Android 13 Upgrade: More personal, safer and more user-friendly
      Your personal data will be kept after the upgrade. To ensure your important personal data without any damage risk during the upgrade, we highly recommend that you backup them before the upgrade.
    • Please note that the SD card may need to be formatted after the upgrade due to changed compatibility requirements of the new Android version. Please make a BACKUP in advance to prevent the loss of important files.
    • Please note that the setting of 4G Calling and WLAN Calling could be reset after the upgrade. Please check the settings under → Settings → Mobile network. Check and configure the setting again if needed under → Settings → Mobile network
    • Update Google security patch to Aug. 2023 (Security Patch Info)
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 09 06/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 09:
    • Update Google security patch to May 2023 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 08 05/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 08:
    • Update Google security patch to April 2023 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 07 04/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 07:
    • Update Google security patch to Mar. 2023 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 06 03/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 06:
    • Update Google security patch to Feb 2023
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 05 01/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 05:
    • Update Google security patch to Dec 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • APN update of A1 Telekom Austria
    • System bugs fixed System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 04 12/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 04:
    • Android 12 Upgrade
      Your personal data will be kept after the upgrade. To ensure your important personal data without any damage risk during the upgrade, we highly recommend that you backup them before the upgrade.
    • Please note that the SD card may need to be formatted after the upgrade due to changed compatibility requirements of the new Android version, please make a BACKUP in advance to prevent the loss of important files.
      Please note that the face id profile will be removed after upgrade, please register a new one under → Settings → security → Biometrics&password.
      Please note that the setting of 4G Calling and WLAN Calling could be reset after the upgrade. Check and configure the setting again if needed under → Settings → Mobile network
    • Update Google security patch to November 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 03 11/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 03:
    • Android 12 Upgrade
      Your personal data will be kept after the upgrade. To ensure your important personal data without any damage risk during the upgrade, we highly recommend that you backup them before the upgrade.
    • please note that the face id profile will be removed after upgrade, please register a new one under → Settings → security → Biometrics & password.
      Please note that the setting of 4G Calling and WLAN Calling could be reset after the upgrade. Check and configure the setting again if needed under → Settings → Mobile network
    • Update Google security patch to Sep. 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 15 09/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 15:
    • Update Google security patch to August 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 14 08/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 14:
    • Update Google security patch to July 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 13 07/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 13:
    • Update Google security patch to May 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 12 06/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 12:
    • Update Google security patch to Apr. 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 11 04/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 11:
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 10 03/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 10:
    • Update Google security patch to February. 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
    • Complies with Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/320 as a supplement to the Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU (ensure caller location in emergency communications)
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 09 02/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 09:
    • Update Google security patch to January 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 07 10/2021
    Improvements and changes with version 07:
    • Update Google security patch to September 2021 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 13 Version 09 01/2024
    Improvements and changes with version 09:
    • Update Google security patch to January 2024 (Security Patch Info)
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 13 Version 08 12/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 08:
    • Update Google security patch to November 2023 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bug fixes
    • System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 13 Version 07 11/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 07:
    • Update Google security patch to October 2023 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bug fixes
    • System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 13 Version 05 09/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 05:
    • Android 13 Upgrade: More personal, safer and more user-friendly
      Your personal data will be kept after the upgrade. To ensure your important personal data without any damage risk during the upgrade, we highly recommend that you backup them before the upgrade.
    • Please note that the SD card may need to be formatted after the upgrade due to changed compatibility requirements of the new Android version. Please make a BACKUP in advance to prevent the loss of important files.
    • Please note that the setting of 4G Calling and WLAN Calling could be reset after the upgrade. Please check the settings under → Settings → Mobile network. Check and configure the setting again if needed under → Settings → Mobile network
    • Update Google security patch to Aug. 2023 (Security Patch Info)
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 09 06/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 09:
    • Update Google security patch to May 2023 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 08 05/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 08:
    • Update Google security patch to April 2023 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 07 04/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 07:
    • Update Google security patch to Mar. 2023 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 06 03/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 06:
    • Update Google security patch to Feb 2023
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 05 01/2023
    Improvements and changes with version 05:
    • Update Google security patch to Dec 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • APN update of A1 Telekom Austria
    • System bugs fixed System and function improvements
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 04 12/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 04:
    • Android 12 Upgrade
      Your personal data will be kept after the upgrade. To ensure your important personal data without any damage risk during the upgrade, we highly recommend that you backup them before the upgrade.
    • Please note that the SD card may need to be formatted after the upgrade due to changed compatibility requirements of the new Android version, please make a BACKUP in advance to prevent the loss of important files.
      Please note that the face id profile will be removed after upgrade, please register a new one under → Settings → security → Biometrics&password.
      Please note that the setting of 4G Calling and WLAN Calling could be reset after the upgrade. Check and configure the setting again if needed under → Settings → Mobile network
    • Update Google security patch to November 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 12 version 03 11/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 03:
    • Android 12 Upgrade
      Your personal data will be kept after the upgrade. To ensure your important personal data without any damage risk during the upgrade, we highly recommend that you backup them before the upgrade.
    • please note that the face id profile will be removed after upgrade, please register a new one under → Settings → security → Biometrics & password.
      Please note that the setting of 4G Calling and WLAN Calling could be reset after the upgrade. Check and configure the setting again if needed under → Settings → Mobile network
    • Update Google security patch to Sep. 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • This update is for the security and/or continued functionality of your smartphone. If you do not install the update, your warranty claims for defects resulting from the omitted installation will be void.
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 15 09/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 15:
    • Update Google security patch to August 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 14 08/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 14:
    • Update Google security patch to July 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 13 07/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 13:
    • Update Google security patch to May 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 12 06/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 12:
    • Update Google security patch to Apr. 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 11 04/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 11:
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 10 03/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 10:
    • Update Google security patch to February. 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
    • Complies with Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/320 as a supplement to the Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU (ensure caller location in emergency communications)
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 09 02/2022
    Improvements and changes with version 09:
    • Update Google security patch to January 2022 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
  • Gigaset GS5 - System update Android™ 11 version 07 10/2021
    Improvements and changes with version 07:
    • Update Google security patch to September 2021 (Security Patch Info)
    • System bugs fixed
    • System and function improvements
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