
Welcome to Gigaset AG

Are you looking for contact to Gigaset AG? Would you like to become a shareholder, receive information about the company or sign up for our newsletter? Here you will find the contact to the Investor Relations department of Gigaset AG.

Raphael Dörr

SVP Corporate Communications & Investor Relations | SVP Sponsoring

80636 Munich

Phone: +49(0)89 444 456 866
Email: raphael.doerr(at)

Rita Mandra

Team Assistance

80636 Munich

Phone: +49(0)89 444 456 866
Email: info.presse(at)

For your information:

Please note that the contact details above are solely for shareholders, press- or analyst-related questions.
For any support related issues or technical problems contact our Customer Service.

Please send postal enquiries to:

Gigaset AG
Corporate Communications & Investor Relations
Bernhard-Wicki-Str. 5
80636 Munich

This address may not be used for repair orders or returns.