Philips Hue illuminants -
networked lighting for even greater security

Gigaset can now also be connected to smart solutions from other manufacturers such as the Philips Hue lighting system. Discover intelligent networking of a light control system with Gigaset alarm system!

Light keeps intruders away

Hardly anything deters intruders as much as light. An illuminated home offers effective protection against intruders because it suggests that someone is at home. A light that suddenly comes on can cause an intruder to flee.

The Philips Hue allows lighting control even when you're on the move.

The Gigaset alarm system combined with the smart Philips Hue lighting system offers ideal protection against intruders. Connect your alarm system in the app to the lighting control – and you're done! If a break-in is suspected, all Philips Hue lamps are automatically switched on and the door and window sensor triggers an alarm. The app immediately informs you via your smartphone about the attempted burglary.

Light if smoke starts to develop

The Philips Hue lighting system combined with the Gigaset Rauchwarnmelder smoke can even save lives. It can be particularly dangerous if fire or smoke develops while inhabitants are sleeping. Your sense of smell sleeps as you do, so you do not notice the smell of burning.

In the event of smoke developing, smoke emits an 85 decibel alarm and sends a message to your smartphone via the app. At the same time, all Philips Hue lamps are switched on at full brightness, thereby awakening the inhabitants. The lighting also helps you find escape routes to the door more easily in the night.

You can easily set up the Philips Hue lighting with the Gigaset app via the "" and "Add New Item (+)" menu items. You can then enable the function in the "Configuration" menu item under "Alarm".

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